Coming in October: Build A World-Class Customer Advisory Board

🌟 Unlock the ultimate CAB secret: The key to creating loyal customer advocates that will help grow your business.

“Must Read! Connecting with customers is more important now than ever before. The proven strategies and advice in this book will help you build your brand, elevate your business, and stay competitive”

-Dave Kerpen, Founder & CEO of Apprentice and NY times Bestselling Author, Get Over Yourself

Irene Yam 24 years of running customer advisory board programs

Experience, check. Knowledge, check.

A Customer Advisory Board program is so much more than an event experience. The event is just the centerpiece. My philosophy is centered on human connection, without it the experience falls flat. I combine my expertise in customer advocacy and business strategy with a steadfast dedication to facilitating deep-rooted relationships before, during, and after the main event. The result? Authentic, long-standing connections that open up countless mutually beneficial upsell and customer endorsement opportunities.

24 years of experience

9 Customer Advisory Board programs

3 awards and recognition

Irene Yam with puppy

It’s not all work, work, work

I grew up in San Francisco, studied at UC Berkeley, and lived in New York, and I'm now happily settled amongst the trees in Redwood City.

In addition to my passion for crafting exceptional Customer Advisory Boards, I love spending time with my pup, taking hikes, cooking and creating memories with friends. Fun fact: In a previous life I won the Grand Marnier Culinary award and cooked for the French president!