What is a Customer Advisory Board (CAB)?

Company executives want the opportunity to gain customers' insights and advice. They generally form a 8 to 12 person board to meet, typically in person. Since the pandemic, CABs have often been run virtually, or in a hybrid board.

Do you work in a Customer Advisory Board consultant only capacity?

Yes, my passion is working with companies to enable long-lasting relationships that will organically progress to partnerships.

Do you offer Virtual or Hybrid Customer Advisory Board programs?

Yes, I can offer you both and even a bootstrap CAB if you need a quick, low-budget solution.

How much are your Customer Advisory Board solutions?

For coaching, I charge a consultancy fee of $200 per hour. For my personalized packages, I first work with you to understand your CAB goals and then tailor a Scope of Work (SoW) to fit your needs.

What are Customer Advisory Board best practices?

In my book I call these best practices CAB tenets. The first tenet is time and respect. Most vendors only hold CABs once or maybe twice a year. These are rare times when you are asking your executives and customers, who have very demanding schedules, to focus, interact, advise, and listen over the course of 2-3 days. Time is precious for your VIP customers and executive leadership therefore the agenda must be thoroughly planned and polished. The board meeting must have the best speakers and facilitators and the brand and content needs to be sincere (avoid sales pitch content at all costs). Ensure the board has a safe environment for constructive discussions and criticism. For more in-depth best practices, please join my mailing list for my book, Customer Advisory Boards, Build deeper relationships and validate strategies. 

How do you structure a Customer Advisory Board?

My unique holistic process factors in the before, during, and after experience of a CAB. It’s an approach that creates mutually beneficial connections and reciprocity. Read more about my philosophy and services here.