Terms & Conditions

Ireneyam.com and IY Media legal terms

Thank you for your interest in working with me on your customer advisory board. 

I am Irene Yam, please contact me at iy@ireneyam.com if you have questions. 

Ireneyam.com is a customer advisory board (CAB) consulting site with tips, tricks and best practices to run a CAB. 

  • Let’s Chat, Contact Me, Book a complimentary call, Let me tailor your next CAB: 

I offer a 30 minute free consultation to help you with your CAB. If you decide to hire me for coaching or consulting services, I will send you a legal contract to review before I start on your project.  

  • Terms of services

    • Projects will be paid in two installments, 50% up front and 50% due on the due date. There will be a 15 day window to make the final payment. 

      • The 50% deposit will ensure that I prioritize my calendar to meet your statement of work. 

    • Changes to the project scope or statement of work must be done in email within 7 business days before the final project date. 

    • All conversations, notes, video conference meetings, calls, texts are private and held with the utmost confidentiality.  See below for full privacy policy below. 

    • Rescheduling calls: 

      • Client(s) must contact me 24 hours by email to reschedule, if not, a charge of $100 USD will be charged. If there is an emergency, I will try to accommodate and reschedule.  If you miss, cancel, or try to reschedule a call twice, I will charge you $200 USD. 

    • Liability 

      • I am not liable to you, any third party for theft or damages of any kind by you, your company or a third party. If there is a dispute, we will review the statement of work and its terms that are binding in San Mateo county, state of California, United States. 

    • Usage of any copy, video, materials on this site

      • As a website visitor, you cannot copy, modify, license, disseminate, display, reproduce, distribute, transfer, sell, and offer to re-sell ireneyam.com website goods and services. Any ireneyam.com and IY Media consulting: content, consulting presentations, written material, video, product, code, image, text, service or repurpose content for use must receive written permission from me. My content is protected by United States copyright laws. 

    • Copyright 

      • I follow the U.S. Copyright office law

      • The U.S. Electronic Copyright Registration System registers my literary work, website, blog and videos.